
Manic Monday 30/2024

Manic Monday 30/2024

Within the service industry, we know everything, we can advise anyone and with everything, but we really have no idea what is wrong with the tyre in the video below. If any of you happen to know or have a tip, feel free to share with us. We will only be happy :)

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 24/2028

Manic Monday 24/2028

With the upcoming weeks of endless heat, no one would probably mind encountering a watering truck. However, not all watering is the same. The person in the video would surely confirm that the extreme bio-eco variant he encountered is not the best option :)

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 27/2024

Manic Monday 27/2024

It wasn't so long ago when we presented a bird service assistant in Manic Monday, but today it's going to be a different league. A chimpanzee in the main role this time. The expression monkey business would perhaps be an insult in this case. Respect.

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 26/2024

Manic Monday 26/2024

We wonder how much money was lying on the road that the cab of the truck dropped so quickly, willingly and low. The second possibility is that the truck just wanted to respectfully bow to the road it can drive on. Or anyone else have any other ideas? :)

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 25/2024

Manic Monday 25/2024

One of the solutions for saving truck tyres and thus reducing fuel consumption are the well-known lifting axles. In the case of caravans, however, it is obviously necessary to find alternatives. We're just not sure if this solution won't be more expensive in the end :)

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 23/2024

Manic Monday 23/2024

Watch as this brave scooter warrior discovers a new extreme sport: Mud diving while driving! Perfect 10 for style, but let's work on that landing next time! To make the story short. Today's motto is: There's always someone worse off than you.

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 21/2024

Manic Monday 21/2024

Some tuning modifications can really surprise you on the road. On the other hand, what to expect in a country where tomorrow already means yesterday. Anyway, it wouldn't be a problem for our e-shop. In addition to equipment for car repairs, we also offer equipment for agricultural machinery :)

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 20/2024

Manic Monday 20/2024

Quality art always pleases. Even in the workshop garage. All you need is a minor ecological disaster with an oil tank. It's just a pity that this great black splash can't be hung on the wall. For example, we wouldn't mind to have it in the living room :)

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 19/2024

Manic Monday 19/2024

While Mondays may not always be crazy, they can at least be more or less hard. Then any helping hand or even a wing is useful. And this also applies to the car and tyre service. This little fellow deserves at least a short term working contract :)

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 17/2024

Manic Monday 17/2024

It is said that he who is not satisfied with little has nothing. But some people just need to have everything. For example, a truck and a train in one. But if it works? Why not? At least there is something to see at the crossing :)

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 16/2024

Manic Monday 16/2024

It's not that unusual to meet a road mutant combining a car with a motorcycle, but this one also has a perfectly remixed name. Renamaha? Almost everyone should be able to guess the composition of the two brands from which the final result was created.

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 15/2024

Manic Monday 15/2024

End up in the water at the very beginning of spring? Nothing is impossible when you have June weather in April. And not only people like to cool down, cars want to have fun too. With a large enough swimming pool in the garden, you can even let swim a truck.

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 12/2024

Manic Monday 12/2024

It hasn't been here for a long time. A manic demonstration of how the acronym OSH can be so mysterious and incomprehensible that some people apparently never decipher it anywhere in their lives. Every advice is precious here. If not pointless :)

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 11/2024

Manic Monday 11/2024

We've already seen quite a lot of crazy experiences from service workshops on the Internet over the years of all the Manic Mondays to date, but this kind of fireworks only now. Even countless repetitions didn't help us figure out how the responsible person did it :)

Ferdus s.r.o.

Manic Monday 10/2024

Manic Monday 10/2024

The owner of the BMW probably didn't have to worry about mud removal, but getting it pulled out of the water and dried definitely cost more than František Koudelka from the Czech comedic classic 'Joachim, Put It in the Machine.' :)

Ferdus s.r.o.